Where can I connect with other Notgrass History users?

Be Happy Homeschooling Community

Do you need encouragement on your homeschool journey? Join our free community of parents to ask questions, get answers, and find support.

Big social media sites are great for some things, but they have drawbacks. Our private community keeps things focused.

Be Happy Homeschooling Community

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Facebook Groups

Several Facebook Groups provide opportunities for interaction with other Notgrass History users. You can share ideas and ask questions about how to get the most out of our curriculum. A Facebook account is required to join any of the groups. We participate in all of these groups, but we are not responsible for the content posted by others.

Notgrass Curriculum Users

Notgrass History for Elementary (Grades 1-4)

Homeschool History

America the Beautiful (Notgrass)

From Adam to Us (Notgrass)

Uncle Sam and You (Notgrass)

Notgrass High School Curriculum Discussion

Notgrass History Curriculum Buy / Sell